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Split Second Blackouts

Hi, I have photosensitive juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. I have had it for 7 years and this entire time I have been struggling with split-second blackouts. They happen multiple times a day, on bad days. I take lamotrigine and topiramate for my epilepsy and sertraline for anxiety. I do not drop when I have these blackouts, but it is like flicking a light switch on and off. It affects my ability to complete tasks and focus and will feel exhausted for the rest of the day. Does anyone else experience this? I sometimes feel like I am misdiagnosed.

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    Yes, I used to experience similar issues during the time I had active seizures. I have Absence seizures, and I still have photosensitivity. I make a conscious effort to avoid places, movies, and concerts that have strobe lights to alleviate this concern. I'm also taking Lamotrigine, which I mostly find beneficial. However, I do experience the side effect of nausea, so I'm on another medication to help manage it. Additionally, I used to be on sertraline, prescribed for PTSD. If you have concerns about potential misdiagnosis, consider discussing the possibility of seeking a second opinion with your insurance provider. I personally always contact my insurance first to ensure I'm not being overcharged. This would be my recommendation to you.
    Warmest regards, Gabrielle F (Epilepsy Moderator)"

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the community. I found a few articles on our site related to your experience. I hope this helps! Warmly, Kailah (Epilepsy Team Member)

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