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my story

Hi there I’m 38 years old and was diagnosed with epilepsy last July during the toughest period off my life dealing with the death off both my grandparents in less than 2 and a half months then in July of the same year I gave my mum the biggest shock ever has she found me unconscious in the bathroom since then been trying to get the right balance off my medication right. I remain hopeful everyday throughout this journey!

  1. Hi there! I am definitely sending you virtual support. I am sorry for your loss as well. I know being diagnosed in adulthood is extremely hard. Seeing seizures will take some getting used to! Tell your mom, to be calm and once you come to; let her know how feel during a seizure. It looks like we're hurting (depending on the seizure).

    I was diagnosed as a child but had my seizure-free moments. I was seizure free for almost four years and my seizures started again. I went through all types of emotions, but I kept going.

    Just know it'll get better. Get a good neurologist.

    Derra Howard
    Patient Leader/Writer

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