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Life with epilepsy

I have epilepsy since i´m 13, i had no big seizure since i was 18, on my last year of college, i guess was stress, changes, i don´t know, but i just had 2 seizures where i fell down and hit myself, it took like 1 minute till i woke up, and those were like 5 years with medication where nothing happened, had a good life, then from my 18 till my 22, had nothing again, i could make my driving license, drive for a few months, then i move from Spain to Germany, because of Studies and work, and there is where everything started to go down, since 2019 i´m here in germany, and i had like 40 big seizures, i´m not allowed to drive, at least i can work without problems, never have a seizure at work, just at home and 1 of 10 is outside.
From this i want to let u know, it´s really bad thing, it changes your life, but if u stay strong and try to keep it nice, somehow is gonna work.
But i still try to find a solution to get back to those 5 years without problems, i´m 27, scared of getting close to womans because i don´t want to give my problems to anyone else, that´s a big thing, is enough for me to see my family how they feel when they see me.
Some tips about what i can do with my medications or who should i ask? I changed like 8 Doctors here and answer is always the same, no solution, is gonna be forever like that, but honestly, i´m not that kind of person who gives up easily.
I wish everyone the best.

  1. Hi I wanted to follow up with you and see how you are doing? I really hope you were able to find a doctor who is able to give you the health care you deserve. I really hope things have improved for you. Jill (Team Member)

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