After growing up in Ohio where the heat and humidity were fairly reasonable-they rarely caused problems. But after moving to the Southern MD-DC Metropolitan Area-the heat and humidity factors were much more extreme and lengthy. One afternoon I could not even leave my house long enough to go out to the mailbox. The following summer I had three months where it was impossible to leave my house in the heat and humidity-unless I wanted to risk having a seizure. One Sunday our parish pries decided to economize and not run the AC despite the fact that it was 90 degrees plus; a short time later the Rescue Squad was taking me from the local McDonalds in the midst of a seizure triggered by the heat and humidity. I spent the next four months forcing the Bishop to pay the ER Bill. Another Sunday was hot and humid, our piano player fainted and a short time later I was in a seizure thanks to the shock of the Rescue Squad throwing open both front doors and four windows for the other lady. I regained consciousness to an empty church-I asked my male friend-here is everyone? He grinned and remarked -They are gone. Father McCann finished mass after-he lost the two of you. Now how are you doing? I remarked that I was just fine.
On an early July day my stepdaughter left me stranded to walk over two miles home in the plus ninety degree heat and humidity. That night I had five seizures after she had yelled at me for over an hour over the phone-then she eve had the nerve to give her hospitalized father three-3-different stories of her leaving me stranded-all of which were false. I have not had a seizure since-3.5 years ago-but I had no choice but to leave my husband's home. Since he died five months later-his daughter and son have been trying to claim that I was running around on my husband before his death. Even my parish priest found this accusation hard to believe. Linda Ennis