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Does Weather Impact Your Seizures?

Has anyone experienced break out seizures due to unstable weather lately?!?? Like out of no where… just boom; seizure. But the weather has been so upside down and outta control. Am I the only one?

  1. I agree with everything you have said.

    1. The weather can effect me. When I was young if I was out in the sun during the summer I was bound to have a convulsion. So I stayed out of the sun, especially in the summer months. By the grace of God, I am now healed of the seizures but I still try to stay out of the sun and heat

      1. Hot & humid

        1. More risk during summer , dehydration invites high risk. . Maintaining daily diet strength ,energy. dress for wet ,cold to receive time of comfort, outdoor and at home. Stay relaxed summer -water, winter -warm beverage. Avoid extreme temp.

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