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Kailah Holmes
Last Updated:
As someone with epilepsy, how do you want to be cared for when you have a seizure?
xSarahx Member
Last Updated:
It depends on the type of seizure, grand mal or petit mal.
For a grand mal seizure, which I thankfully haven't had in six years due to medication, I'm generally very tired, and content to be babied by my husband and just rest too give my brain time to recover.
For a petit mal seizure, which I've been having an increased amount over the last 6 months, 5+ times a day, and working on a treatment plan with my neurologist, I usually just take a brief rest and continue on, as life moves on. Husband and older kids(16 and 12) have been on the job with handling the little guy(5), meals and other household tasks I can't find the energy for.
JillBrodie Community Admin
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CommunityMemberae9f98 Member
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I would like to have someone that I could all o be with me after my seizures, that has the time & knowledge about seizures. Because I feel like an burden to my neighbor who has enough troubles of his own to handle. I can't stand seeing how much it affects my son, by constantly worrying about me. I am 50 yrs old and 1st time grandmother-my Granddaughter is 5months old. I hope that I can make it long enough for her to have actual memories of me & positive memories. She is my motivation. I never want her to see me suffering. I have caused enough stress already to my daughter, my son & my best friend who is also my neighbor. I'm tired of being so sick & exhausted so often.
MaryWeiser Member
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Honestly l, want my mom. No doctor. No strangers. Just wanna cry, as I crawl to the bathroom to clean myself up and ask her ma, did it happen again. Why cant I be normal.
Sick at 14. Diagnosed 3 days before my 18th birthday. Thank you Dr. Tzorfas!!! Seizure free 2 years and 3 months!! First time ever.!!
Julie.Byers Community Admin
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Tapestry Member
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Hi - when I have a seizure I feel as if I had been hit by a Mac truck! So I guess I want someone there to comfort me when I wake up, as usually I don’t know where I am etc, and to stay with me till I have my bearings which could be a couple of days, we all suffer differently but it doesn’t make the experience any easier for us, or for the family members who witness it and need to care for us afterwards…💖💖😢😢