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Anyone who has suffered from cogntive problems after long term Keppra use?
Reading, thinking, speaking. Anything like that?
Derra Howard Member
Last Updated:
Hi there,
I was on Briviact, which is very similiar to Keppra; and I experience those issues. In my experience, I spoke with my doctor and they finally switched my medication. I also had this experience when I was younger with Topamax. I was seizure free, but couldn't think or read.
Definitely speak with your healthcare providers.
Here are some articles:
Derra Howard
Epilepsy Team Member
CommunityMember925411 Member
Last Updated:
Thank you for the response. Pardon my long response below in advance. I understand that I am not going to get medical advice here and I am not expecting a fix. But I realized reading your response that it might help just to express the following thoughts to an intelligent 'listener'. Right now my wife is dealing with an unknown problem which has exacerbated her cognitive symptoms and added one. This goes back to a tumor in 2008 which has been unchanged for over a decade. The main change recently is speech and language which are terrible right now. To us it seemed possibly connected to the Keppra which she has been on for 4 years. They upped her dose immediately in case she was heading into status epilepticus and this made her problems a bit worse it seemed, though the first day's very high dose did give her clear speech for a few hours. Now they've added Lacosamide with the goal of replacing the Keppra - and they are doing all the big tests also - once she started on the Lacosamide she got even worse with speech and extremely tired, neither particularly unexpected results, but still very unsettling especially with the speech. She doesn't seem to be in SE, but has raised or pre-seizure activity during an EEG. She's home by the way. She gets her MRI tomorrow. One concern I've had is that this could all be very hard to understand. She has been before in SE and then her MR results look like tumor growth has happened. Then later MRs show it was just a result of the heightened activity in her brain. I've even read that ASMs can cause seizure like activity that shows up in EEGs. So, I get concerned when they start talking about putting in a third medicine and how will we ever sort this all out. I've mentioned that there is at least anecdotal evidence, perhaps more than that, that Keppra can cause these cognitive symptoms after years of use, rather than at the beginning, but her neurologist thinks this is not possible. Since he was planning to replace her medicine anyway for his own reasons, it didn't seem to matter. But I am trying to get as wide a perspective on this as possible. A few years ago I apologized for being the annoying family member and he said he thought it was good I was like that. Well, I hope he remembers that. I'm very polite and he personally has been great, but the hospitals, emergency rooms and some people who end up dealing with her have not been. It often feels like I have to watch every step like a hawk. Thanks for 'listening'