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Having Seizures With Banging my head against the wall and yelingx543

Hello i started having small jerks i do not remember what happen after that i assume from seizures then i woke up i guess ( i do not remember what happen ) it seemed like 15 min had past ( im guessing because i checked my cimouter hustory )when i was concious aganin i stop banging my head aagainst the wall screaming i kept doing that over and over again

im on lamotragine 250 mg please help i have increase my dosage multiple times

  1. Hi it has been a while and I wanted to check in on you to see how you are doing? I really hope your doctor was able to help you. Please keep us posted. Jill (Team Member)

    1. also i know it has to do with seizrues because the other time i have them i have had seizures so it has to be aligned

      1. i start screaming and banging my head agasint a wall repeatdly i am aware while doing it but i do not know how to stop i just keep doing it i do not know what i am thinking at all and why i keep doing it over time it stops and i sotp aslo

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