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transportation with epilepsy

I am about to start a new job in my career field that is JUST out of reach by public transit. It's a hybrid job so I only need to be in the office 2-3 days a week. I can uber, but it would be very expensive. More concerning is being able to be there on time. For example, it's snowing heavily right now so ubers are a little scarce or crazy expensive. Taxi services are inconceivably terrible here as well. Does anyone know of services offered that assist with transportation if you can't drive due to seizures or any medical condition? Or will certain types of insurance provide reimbursement for travel to work?

  1. - it's really exciting to hear that you're about to embark on a new job in your field, congratulations to you on this accomplishment!

    I found this external resource to whom we are not affiliated with that you can check out:

    Additionally, if you speak to your employer about your medical coverage, and call their customer service line you may be able to tell you about reimbursement services for travel to work, if this is something they offer.

    Wishing you all the best in this new journey! Cheers, Kailah (Epilepsy Team Member)

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