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Seizures when alone.

I have 3 different types of epileptic seizures.
-tonic clonic
And myoclonic.

Many times after a tonic clonic seizure all 3 can happen.
I'm on 3 different medications.
I won't go into much detail. But I've been into status epilepticus 3 times in 2 years. One resulting in 2022 in being in an induced coma for 2 days. Hospitalised for a week. The in rehab for a week as I developed partial loss of the use of one leg. The other 2 not so severe. But hospitalisation was needed. I do have emergency medications (injection). I can often feel that sense of 'wow something doesn't feel right' before a seizure. And if I'm lucky have chance to get myself into a safe space. But if I have a severly strong sense, these are the times I don't always have time to grab a pillow, lay down. I just have to sit wherever I am or in rarer times have just fallen without me even being able to get somewhere safe. I have injured myself badly on those small occassions.

However my question is:
Lately I've been home alone alot due to my partner working long hours.
I work too. But only on reduced hours.
My seizures are uncontrollable at the moment (had a reaction to my new meds which has left me unwell). I've been told to not be left alone. But I do not have family close by. Or many people I associate myself with.

If I am home alone and have a seizure, I cannot administer my emergency meds if needed, well because I'm unconcious. (Eye roll).
Due to having status now a few times. One being really serious where noone was around until I was found in my kitchen. (Thankfully a neighbour checked in as she needed to borrow something and found me)
If I feel a strong aura, should I call 999 for help? (If I'm able to have that 5 mins or so still able to think and talk.
Or if i wake up injured?

I'm just enquiring as it's something now I've recently thought about because the condition has worsened and the worry of being alone can engulf me. The thought of not being found, or back to back seizures meaning I need my medication, but there's noone to administer it. Just terifies me.

Do I call for help in these situations? Or should I just allow the seizures to happen and hope the result is I don't have any lasting effects?

  1. You should probably ask a medical professional about that.

    All I can tell you is that if I feel one coming on and I'm alone, I lay on the floor, grit my teeth, and hope for the best.

    However, I've also woke up plenty of times from a seizure I didn't feel coming on. Sometimes I'll be bleeding, teeth will be broken, usually concussed. It happens. If you wake up and feel like calling 999; do it.

    After going through it so many times we can start to forget just how traumatic these things really are. It's important to take care of yourself.

    That probably doesn't help you out any, but just know you aren't alone in all this.

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