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Reaction to Epilepsy

Dear Liddie, I have had epilepsy since I was 6.5 years old. In Ohio and PA-Nursing School Directors turned me down when I applied to their nursing school-they took my application fee and refused to take me-SOLELY-because I had epilepsy-which I had disclosed on my application. In the federal government some agencies and supervisors were quite understanding. While at my last federal government agency-I was forced to accept the job when the government and DOD were doing a massive downsizing. My supervisor there-Disliked me not only because I was one of those downsize employees, I had helped other employees get promotions, and I attempted to prevent her from being prejudical against me-SOLELY BECAUSE I HAD EPILEPSY. Linda

  1. Hi there,

    I went through this with several jobs. Honestly, this is how I became an advocate. You need proof that the university has discriminated against you due to your epilepsy. Also, please set up a meeting with admissions and let them know of your concerns as to why you feel you weren't admitted. With that step, you get some clarity. Contact your local epilepsy foundation for support as well.

    Don't let one PA rejection sway you! Keep applying. Also, check-in at each university because you may qualify to waive your application fees.

    I've attached a few articles below.

    Good luck on the journey!!

    Derra Howard
    Epilepsy Team Leader

    1. This sounds so frustrating. I was not able to return to work due to employer would not accommodate the restrictions my Doctor had for me. Unfairly let go because they didn’t want an epileptic person there in my opinion. We have it hard enough.
      Best of luck to you.

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