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Looking for exchange. My strange relation to music and sound.

I got a single attack when I was 13/14 around. When I was 33, in 2021, I started to get tonic-clonic seizure and absence.

Been in treatment for about 3 years, first 2 years treated with Valproate, then with Eslicarbazepine acetate after 4day video EEG done for diagnosis. The video EEG was inconclusive, not according to the handbook, but since medication does work for me, it should be epilepsy (doctors statement).

My absence have been small ones where it felt like my conscious drifts in the background, almost like being pulled under water, accompanied by audio hallucinations. They also have been triggered by low frequency sounds.

Valproate stopped the tonic-clonic seizure, but the absence persisted, 6-8 a day.

This may sound weird, but I want to share it:

I played a simple video game (Powerwash Simulator) , while I was listening to a meditative/shamanistic music (from Heilung) and got into a trance like state. In this state an absence hit me, but this time my conscious pushed back midway and prevented the absence. I was confused at first and took me a moment to understand what happened.

Later the day my pushed back again, but this time I was not gaming and not listening to music. The next couple of days the absence were getting less and then vanished completely.

This summer the tonic-clonic and the absence came back. I have new medication and tonic clonic are hopefully in check, the absence on the other hand are still there and stronger, sometimes getting pretty spicy and close to a full on tonic-clonic

I don't know when I get triggered by sound, but I know the pattern of sound which does trigger me. A white noise with fast repeating sound, like bubbling noise from a boiling kettle.

I get seizures independent from sounds, at least I believe so. I feel when my brain is "tingly" getting into a sensitive state. It's all weird.

Music helps, at least partially, to ground me, to fight back

Fun fact: I am German and German native speaker. After a tonic clonic seizure I speak English for at least 20minutes. I am not aware of it and no matter what I try I can't switch to German, only after my brain got a bit of rest. The ambulance is always confused.

I am not looking for medical advice, just exchange.

  1. So nice of you all I know when I have my seizures I get scared.but I don't shack or fall down I usually go yo the bathroom and sit down tell it stops. I have temperal lobe seizures that last between I -2 minutes I have had them since I was 6mths old and it started with a full blow seizure that lasted 24 hrs. I am 75 now and on 5 different meds but I only have dacha voo ones now where I don't t shake but am out of it ,I usually go sit in the bathroom because I ambembared. Myhusband helps me alôt. God bless you all and thanks for sharing,I have only tóld my husband.God Bless

    1. Hi there!I hope you're doing well. Thank you for sharing your story—it really takes courage to be so open about your experiences. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I also have epilepsy, but I haven’t experienced anything like a change in accent (which might be foreign accent syndrome). If I were you, I’d bring this up with my healthcare provider to get more insight.It’s really fascinating how gaming and music seem to help you “push back” against an absence seizure. It sounds like you’ve found a unique way to manage your condition. It’s possible that the combination of sound, focus, and relaxation during gameplay allowed your brain to override the progression of the seizure, which is so empowering. And amazing!!Whenever I have breakthrough seizures, I make sure to stay in touch with my provider and pay close attention to my body. I also experience absence seizures, and I’ve learned that getting enough rest and recognizing my triggers are key to managing them.You’re not alone in this, and I hope you find some comfort and support here. Here are. some articles:

      Take care of yourself!

      Derra Howard
      Epilepsy Team Member

      1. Finally having the brain and mental capacity to answer.
        Thanks for the kind words and warm welcome. The links and tips are really appreciated.

        Finally found a form of Epilepsy which exactly describes what I have and I found my trigger. Maybe it helps someone else:
        I am currently writing a diary, logging every absence and what caused it, I am around 4-8 a day. I want to log it for a couple of days before I send it out to my doctor.
        My trigger is "being surprised by music". Like Watching a Youtube video and a soundtrack is played, like for a transition. I get Aphasia in the short moment, I can't process what I hear and then sound gets dampened and/or modulated.
        Getting "surprised" by music is a consistent pattern, but doesn't happen every time.

      2. My apologies for my delayed response. I am so happy you figured out your triggers! It can be mind-boggling if it is unknown. I am sorry you are experiencing seizures due to music. It's a good thing you spoke with your doctor. Hopefully, your healthcare provider can help you figure out your triggers. Also, a journal is so helpful!! It led you right to the cause!

        Please stay resilient on this journey and we are here if you need us!

        Derra Howard
        Epilepsy Team Member

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