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I feel like giving up

After 4 years of trying to manage this condition I’m starting to wonder… what’s the point? This isn’t the life I was meant to live. This isn’t for me. I don’t know how people do this.

  1. I am now on my 4 th daily drug. I have been taking xcopri and trying to reduce my oxcarbazpinie but it didn’t work. I have a mid day dose and it helps me to get through the day

    1. I wanted to check in and see how you’ve been managing lately? Best wishes, Julie (team member)

    2. i am still struggling to gain weight but seizure control is at about one a month

  2. I’m sorry to hear your struggles. I felt like this at one point too. But after years of learning about my limitations and how to adjust my life to them, I feel happy even with those limitations. I can’t eat certain foods and have to keep a strict schedule in terms of sleep. I recently adopted a service animal as a last resort and I feel better waking up in the morning in terms of neurologically. I can’t think too much for a couple hours after waking up without having a seizure but the memories I make everyday and the people I have on my side make my struggles easier.

    I hope this helps. Whatever epilepsy you have, it’ll be alright. Everyone here is here to support you and others.

    1. It is hard and it is a disability. I has taken me awhile to accept that it is not going away and life is not the same. It is OK! My memory sucks and I have to avoid certain foods and drinks and it’s ok.
      If you need a little boost and inspiration watch the show on Netflix The amazing Attorney Woo. It’s Korean so you have to read the subtitles. She is autistic and the role is played through her eyes. You watch how she copes with her disability. She rocks the courtroom and it is precious to see her fall in love.
      Please don’t think about the limitations. Focus on making this work. You can do this.

      1. Hi there,

        I have been there before. When my seizures started to get really bad. I felt hopeless. But I turned to God, my family, and the support of certain friends who have epilepsy. With epilepsy, it isn't a straight and narrow journey. It's more like ups and downs- you have to adjust. Joining a support group would be beneficial for you.

        Here is an article about support groups that may be beneficial.

        Derra Howard
        Epilepsy Team Member

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