I have bitten my tongue and my cheeks so many times and can totally relate. I had fillings break and fall out and eventually had enough and had the offending teeth removed as they were constantly giving me trouble anyway. Luckily they were near the back of my mouth so it's not visible. I still bite my tongue and cheeks slightly when I have the occasional seizure but it is not nearly as painful as before.
Crystal_Danielle Member
Last Updated:
I bite the left side of my tongue in the exact same place the last couple seizures I had & still 6 years from my last one my tongue still isn't completely healed in the middle & every once in awhile the edge of my tongue on that side will get raised bumps & will swell & cause pain talking or anything usually I have to take naproxen to knock the swelling & pain some
CommunityMemberf6ad79 Member
Last Updated:
It's been 11 years for me now. I started having blackouts before my grandmals and would always literally eat my coffee table, so yeah I don't have any left. I lost my front teeth within the first year, just while trying to figure out what was going on.
Kailah Holmes Community Admin
Last Updated:
how are you doing? We hope since your diagnosis you're doing somewhat better? Warmly, Kailah (Team Member)
SeizuresandFartsGlitter Member
Last Updated:
I am literally missing two teeth lol. I’ve broken one previously and had to get root canal cause I left it as is, it got infected and I have a phobia of the dentist.
Kailah Holmes Community Admin
Last Updated:
so sorry to hear this... how are you doing now? Hoping all is well. Warmly, Kailah (Epilepsy Team Member)