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Alcohol and Medication

Hi everyone,
just wanted find an epilepsy forum to see if anyone has ever experienced some of the things that are and have happened to me with my condition.

So firstly, I’m a drinker. I have been all of my adult life. Please don’t judge, I know I shouldn’t drink as much as I do and I know that most of you will think I’m pathetic for continuing to drink with epilepsy, but I’m weak and I can’t help it. I’m certainly not an alcoholic, but I know that I drink more than the average 42 year old bloke. My question is, has anyone experienced the things that have started to happen to me in the last three or four years or so.
I currently take Lamotrogine and Tegretol. I usually try to take half my meds and noon and the other half before I go to bed. I very rarely have a full seizure, but do suffer from focal seizures on a regular basis. Not very nice, but I deal with it.
If I drink a lot, usually over a prolonged period (an all day session) I’ll wake up in the morning absolutely fine, no hangover, no headache, nothing. Then I’ll take my first set of meds and around half an hour later, my vision goes completely blurred and I can’t see properly for a good four or five hours. About six months ago my vision went and I couldn’t walk or talk properly, as if I was having a stroke. This was very scary and obviously distressing for friends and family around me.
Most of the time, I’m absolutely fine, I can drink and deal with everyday life like I always have, but the semi blindness is very concerning. I know that most people reading this will just say stop being stupid, grow up, give up the drink and you’ll be fine, but if anyone can see past that and shed some light on this then it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks

  1. thank you for reaching out and openly sharing with the community. We know that is not always the easiest thing to do. Our community is a safe space to share, and we’re glad you’re here💙. Have you reached out to your doctor about the symptoms you’re experiencing? For your safety, we are not able to offer insight or diagnosis since we are not medical professionals. I hope you are able to get some answers, as I can only imagine how distressing it is when your vision is affected. Thinking of you, Julie (team member)

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