What questions do you have about epilepsy, or what type of information are you still looking for?
CommunityMemberf72fc0 Member
Last Updated:
This something that I wrote down in my journal from last week even though I'm on medication for my epilepsy I was jerking in my sleep and my head was thrashing around and I was drooling too and I woke up looking at the clock on my microwave and it was 7:38a.m. then I back to sleep asleep and then when I got up around 9:30a.m. I felt very exhausted like I needed a few more minutes to get up and make my bed and get ready for the day could this be a seizure and my parents don't know because I wanted to reach out to someone who has been through this before please let me know I would really appreciate it thank you.
Creole Member
Last Updated:
absence seizures is my issues. Can these happen because of stress
thank you for your reply. I'm also 70, 3 hearing disabilities, cataract surgeries iffy, and my neighbors are harassing me by claiming my land. Etc etc. I'm so grateful for your help.
CommunityMember211a17 Member
Last Updated:
we would like to hear some good out comes like people that the seizures have gone and that type of information
In addition to the articles Jill shared, I thought you may enjoy this one as well https://epilepsydisease.com/living/grateful. Please do not hesitate to reach out! Sending well wishes, Julie (team member)