I have an unusual chronic electric sensation deep in my brain that might be rare type of epilepsy? I have no uncontrol movement/motor issue. This happened after a chemical trauma to my brain. Eyedrop medication cyclogyl and prednisolone somehow seeped into my brain during sleep and reacted intensely, I recovered after a day but a few days later, my chronic brain symptom started ever since. Unfortunately, my mri and eeg showed nothing. Possibly because maybe this electric sensation I'm feeling in my brain(near pituitary area) is too deep for eeg to detect seizure/sensation? I wanted to try aed to see if it helps with my symptom, but doctor can't refer me to epilepsy clinic/let me try aed without a positive test or some kind of uncontrol movement symptom. Can epilepsy be odd sensation alone without uncontrol movement? If anyone have any suggestion? I'm thinking of traveling to buffalo(im from Toronto) to get a brain mri scan with seizure protocol? Should I try to get sleep eeg test? Any way to get aed? Thanks for suggestion