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Hi. New here. I'm confused about diagnosis

Hello. My 90 year old mother just had an Eeg done last month which required 6 days hospitalization...and the official results are:

Focal unaware

Presumed left temporal onset

What does all of this mean??

Can she fully recover at her age???

Will this progress to dementia or alheimers???

Will she live much longer??

Is her brain permanently damaged and will the damage further progress???

Background info:

In 2018 all of a sudden mom was experienced bouts of severe confusion, gibber talk, memory loss....she had bouts of drifting in an out of reality and focus. She didn't remember any family members, or not much about herself or the current date, year, time, etc....

She was hospitalized in critical care for a few weeks, then transferred to rehab. Her diagnosis then was UTI, median nerve severed, aphasia, possible epilepsy.

She was doing well untill last year. She experienced the same thing as in 2018.
December 2022 up untill late February 2023 she was frequently hospitalized off and on for it. This year so far, she has required hospitalization 4 seperate times.. each hospitalization lasting for 6 days each.

The results from the stays offered possible "mini" presumbaly epileptic stroke with bouts of aphasia.

On March 17th 2023 she had the EEG done.

Her last hospitilzation for the epilepsy was in February 2023.

Is it safe to assume that she'll be back in the hospital soon??

  1. Hi there. I am sincerely sorry about your mother. I strongly suggest speaking with medical professionals and or getting more opinions on your mother's condition and diagnosis. This will be so you can have a clear understanding of what is going on. And what she is diagnosed with. I hope you gett all the answers you need.

    Epilepsy Team Member

    1. , first I’d just like to say that I am sorry your family and your mom are going through such a difficult and uncertain time. The questions you have are all valid and important. While I wish we could help answer these questions, for your (mom’s) safety we cannot provide medical diagnosis or guidance as we are not medical professionals. I understand that it can feel overwhelming in the moment and we can forget all the things we want to discuss with the doctor; I would encourage you take these questions with you and ask your Mom’s physicians that are taking care of her. If she has a patient portal you may also be able to send these questions through that route giving the doctors a bit more time to respond and give thoughtful feedback. Please reach out anytime if we can provide any additional information or resources. I hope you get the answers to your questions soon. We’ll be thinking of you and your mom. All my best, Julie (team member)

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