Dear all,
I’m Jody Meschiari, I write from Italy. My son Elia (six years old) is affected by focal epilepsy discovered five months ago.
In September my wife saw Elia with a crise of absence, just for a few second, so we started to do several controls in a hospital here in Italy.
What we found out is that Elia is affected by polymicrogyria in both side of the brain since his birth and this is generating focal epilepsy. Under indication of the specialists we started a therapy based ethosuximide and valporate sodium.
Now my question is about ETHOSUXIMIDE, after ten days of therapy Elia started to get daily crises and also those crises became worst and worst, minutes of absence with all body steel. Now after 2 months the situation seems getting better with carbamazepine (400 mg/day).
So based on your experience can ethosuximide be responsible about what happened to Elia?
Thanks in advance to everyone
Kind regards