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Types of Epilepsy

What type of epilepsy were you diagnosed with?

  1. Generalized epilepsy

    1. thank you for sharing! How are you doing? I have generalized epilepsy as well.

      Derra Howard
      Epilepsy Team Member

    2. how have you been managing lately? Our community is here to support you, please reach out anytime. All my best, Julie (team member)

  2. Gelastic, Grand mal, Petite mal and Complex partial

    1. how have you been managing lately? -Julie (team member)

  3. Tonic clonic grand mall

    1. temporal lobe

      1. thank you so much for sharing! how are you doing? Hoping that all is well with you in your journey. All the best, Kailah (Epilepsy Team Member)

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