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Son epilepsy

I’m new to this all so back in December my son age 13 started having seizures in the bath and a few outside of bath so about 3/4 weekly. to cut the story short his eeg mri have all come back normal but they think it’s focal epilepsy so they have put him on keppra he’s just about to increase his dose tomorrow we have been seizure free since he started 2 weeks ago but had one yesterday is this normal to still have seizures until he gets up to his biggest dose

  1. managing a new epilepsy diagnosis, especially with your child can be difficult and comes with a lot of questions. It can take a few attempts to get medications and dosages correct to best manage each individuals seizures. If you haven’t already, I would suggest checking in with his doctor about his latest seizure and see if they have any additional recommendations. Please reach out anytime, and let us know how your son is doing. Thinking of you, Julie (team member)

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