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Possible having my husband as a care taker.Or I might have to go into Assisted Living. Does anyone out there ever had the experience of Assisted living or having a loved one take care of you

I have had my epilepsy since I was born. My mother found out at the age of a year and half years old. She took great of me till I left the house to go to college Married, my high school sweet and had 3 children .Of my own What is the right direction for me. Have my spouse, be my home health aide, or a assisted living.
I would prefer that I stay in my own home.

  1. Hello,

    I hope I can help. I haven't been in that situation completely. However, consult with your healthcare provider about what is the best option for you moving forward.

    Below I've listed the options.

    Option 1: If you stay at home with your spouse. You would be at home and you could bring in an aid daily or weekly.

    Option 2: If you stay at assisted living you would be away from your spouse. Would have 24 -hour care.

    I hope this helps.

    Here are some articles

    Derra Howard
    Epilepsy Team Member

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