I had a tonic clonic a week ago, two in two months, mild compared to some folk. I have the most horrible auras, It feels like I'm been sucked into a void where I experience intense isolation and fear.
Those few moments of utter desolation and loneliness I experience before losing consciousness just breaks me, there's just nothing and no one there. I then come to in a very confused, agitated and sometimes violent manner as I fail to recognize my surroundings or loved ones around me.
I carry a deep sadness and have frequent flash backs at least a few weeks after. This last seizure wasn't as violent as the others apparently but it did leave a deep emotional scar. I'm now going to get laid off from work as I drive and use machinery, I must be seizure free for 2 years to drive. So depressed, the docs increased my dosage, we'll see how it goes. Must keep my head up, I need to beat this.