A mother plays with her child on the floor

I'm a Mom With Epilepsy – Here Are My Tips

Motherhood and epilepsy... Y'all, it has been a wild ride!

Are you a new mom with epilepsy?

I have made it more than a year into this world of motherhood, how crazy and exciting it has been. Everyone told me that I was crazy for having a baby while also having chronic illnesses, but it has been nothing short of amazing, even on the most difficult days.

At this point, I have learned a few tips and tricks to make life easier on those rough days. I thought I would share them here for any other mommas, soon-to-be mommas, or considering to be mommas!

1. Informing medics about my new baby

First! Make sure your local medics know you have a baby! When my address goes over the scanner whether police or medical, it is listed in a file that they are to look for a baby on the premises before they take me to the hospital. This is incredibly important for when I am unconscious or in the postictal state after a seizure.

My boyfriend works out of town and so often it is just the baby and I at home, so if for any reason 911 is called, it would be so important for them to come in with the knowledge that I have a child on the premises.

Keep emergency contacts updated

Now, with that being said I also have listed 2 emergency contacts that the police officers can call to come and pick up my son in the case that I am in a life threatening emergency and he cannot be transported to the hospital with me. If it is not a life-threatening emergency my son will ride in the ambulance to the hospital with me (my decision with approval from the emergency team).

2. Life alert button for seizures

My insurance company offered me the chance to receive a life alert button that calls emergency services with a fall detection as well as an emergency button. I took them up on that offer! If your insurance company has this option available to you, I highly recommend using this tool!

If you insurance does not offer this tool, you can have your doctor put in a prescription for one. In the beginning I was not a fan of the idea of having a life alert button but it has been used many times and has given me peace of mind to know that if I am home alone with my son and I fall during a seizure, 911 will respond, and let me just tell you, they are quick to respond!

3. Avoiding the stairs when I can

We have a 2-story house. On each floor I have items for my son. That way if I am upstairs and feeling unwell there is no reason for me to need to go downstairs. Everything I would need for the two of us is both my upstairs and downstairs. Things like a place for him to sleep, snacks, bottles, formula, water, and toys are accessible no matter where I am in the house.

This was important to me because of the fear of having a seizure on the stairs with my son. So, on the bad days I just avoid the stairs.

4. Avoiding baby carriers for safety

I do not use baby carriers unless someone else is home with me, and even then, it is far and few that I will wear my son. Baby carriers are made so the baby is snuggly secure to your body, which could pose serious risks in the instance of a seizure.

I have instead found that now that my son is older a hip seat works very well for us. It still allows me to carry him around, but it allows me also to set him down as quick as I possibly can.

5. Spending mom and baby time on the floor

Lastly: We spend a lot of time playing on the floor! We have mats set up on the floor and a play yard that allows for extra cushioning (mainly for his learning to crawl but a plus in the instance of a drop seizure).

It is easier for me to spend time of the floor with him playing, crawling, and things like that with the idea that if I were to have a seizure, I know without a doubt he is safe, because I have him in a place specifically for him.

Taking precautions as a mom with epilepsy

This is not foolproof! I take precautions with the knowledge that not everything is controllable or preventable. But these tips and tricks I use help me to ensure that I am listening to my body while also caring for my son to the best of my ability.

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