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My child (7 years old) refuses to take the medication.

She was given Levetiracetam 100/ml solution. It has a bitter taste and every effort to have her take the med has failed. We even put it in a sweet flavored drink and tried chocolate yogurt but nothing has worked.
We would love to get some suggestions.

  1. I had to start taking medication when I was 7 and was totally against taking it . But my parents would not stop being very persistent that I needed to take it. Sometimes it would take hours , but after a week or so I realized I lost and they would not leave me alone till I took so I gave in . Only advice I can give is be very persistent and don't stop sooner or later she will take it with no problems . As a parent I feel for you and just stay strong together and stay positive hopefully she grows out of needing to take medication.

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