My Journey with TLE

I’m 63, divorced, and an ex-Runner Up Businesswoman of the Year in International Trade here in the North East of England. I have two grown-up sons and a loving relationship with my partner of 10 years, Terry. We live together with our two dogs, Pippy and Pickle.

Early triggers and challenges

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) started for me during puberty, with ovulation as the trigger. It settled down pretty well with medication, and I even got my driving license and passed my test! I loved driving.

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I went through a divorce that lasted 11 years from my now ex-husband, who was also my business partner in a vintage clothing manufacturing business in Gateshead. Stress is my main trigger, and my seizures worsened after a near nervous breakdown 11 years ago. I had a massive grand mal seizure, and my now-ex carried on drinking, so I wasn’t found for at least 24 hours. I was hospitalized for a week.

Impact on my life

My memory has never fully recovered; long-term memory is okay-ish, but my short-term memory is appalling. I tried to go back to work, even for my own business, which I had worked in for 20 years and knew inside out, but it was impossible. I lived remotely, couldn’t drive again, and my life was turned upside down.

During this time, I went through the menopause, and this, combined with stress, worsened my seizures. My doctor told me that antidepressants and anti-epilepsy medications aren’t the best combination; however, I’m on both.

My biggest fear

My short-term memory is my biggest fear, along with the thought that I’ll turn into an old lady in a nursing home with no clue what is going on.
Happy times X Terry looks after me x

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