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How did you learn that menstrual cycles can impact epilepsy?

As young girls and women, our entire being changes during puberty, starting with our hormones, which can be scary, confusing, and awkward. But, for us as young girls and women, it's always an adventure: starting with emotional and mental stress, social pressures, and managing our health.

But did anyone ever explain to you that menstrual cycles can impact your epilepsy? And how having your period can potentially trigger a seizure?

Ummm. Where was the "heads up" or the "by the way"? I know I never got it!

How did you learn that menstrual cycles can impact epilepsy? Did you start experiencing issues? Did someone explain it to you?

Do you have any advice, or in need of further information?

Let's talk!

  1. I skip placebos and take birth control continuously. The last 3 times my MD said take a few days off, I had seizures. Stress, sleep deprivation, high caffeine, and hormone changes seem to be my breaking point. Almost 3 years seizure free 😀

    1. When I ovulated I experienced an uplifting feeling in my stomach, I would gag sometimes but wouldn’t necessarily have a seizure. The Menopause was the worst, I couldn’t control my seizures due to stress, now I’m through the Menopause, every time I am unwell I have a Psychotic episode. We are all so different….

      1. When I was younger, I would always get seizures around my cycle. It was every month. Now, I really take it easy during my cycle. I practice a healthy diet and include supplements as well.


        1. I am a man

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